Breast Reduction
Offered at our convenient location in New Jersey
Dr. Brian Glatt is a nationally recognized expert in Breast Augmentation. For more information about this procedure please view our Breast Augmentation page.

For women with excessively large and heavy breasts, back, neck, and shoulder pain is often a way of life. Breast reduction surgery can alleviate pain and discomfort by creating smaller and lighter breasts that are in balance with the body.
During breast reduction surgery, excess breast tissue, fat, and skin is removed, the nipple is repositioned higher up, and the remaining skin and tissue is tightened. Dr. Glatt published a groundbreaking study demonstrating the significant physical and psychological benefits of breast reduction surgery! You can view the national press release for this article concerning the multiple benefits of breast reduction here: benefits of breast reduction surgery
Before and After Photos
Breast Reduction in New Jersey
Many breast reduction surgery candidates have excessively large breasts that cause neck, back, and shoulder pain. By creating smaller, lighter breasts that are in balance with rest of the body, many of the physical and emotional issues which came from having large breasts can be resolved. This is achieved by removing excess fat, skin, and breast tissue, repositioning the nipples to a higher position, and tightening remaining skin and tissue.

Dr. Glatt frequently uses different techniques for breast reduction; this includes a vertical incision (frequently referred to as the “lollipop” incision), which is an incision from the breast crease upward with a circular incision around the areola. A wise pattern incision (“anchor incision”) is made for women who have much larger amounts of tissue to be removed, which adds a horizontal incision along the breast crease in addition to the vertical incision and circular incision around the areola.
Male breast reduction surgery (“gynecomastia surgery”) may also be performed in New Jersey with Dr. Glatt. This is a procedure for men who have excess breast tissue, even so much that it can sometimes cause the appearance of “female-like” breasts. Dr. Glatt will use standard liposuction (“lipoplasty”) alone or ultrasound-assisted liposuction to perform breast reduction for men. New Jersey plastic surgeon Dr. Glatt fully discusses all potential options during your consultation.
Examples of Dr. Glatt’s patient results are available to view in before and after plastic surgery photos.
Breast Reduction Incisions
As with other types of breast surgery, there are several incision methods to consider; however, the incision method used during breast reduction will depend on the amount of tissue that needs to be removed.
Incisions will be delicately applied and discreetly hidden among the breast’s contours.
Vertical Incision. This incision is applied from the breast crease upward with a circular incision around the areola. If larger amounts of tissue must be removed, the full Wise pattern incision (“anchor” incision) will allow Dr. Glatt to remove enough tissue for the desired result. The Wise pattern includes a horizontal incision along the breast crease in addition to the vertical incision and circular incision around the areola.
Dr. Glatt understands that resulting scars are a concern for his patients and uses the least invasive method possible to still achieve the desired results for breast reduction and all of his breast procedures.
Breast Reduction versus Breast Lift Surgery
Breast reductions and breast lifts are often performed in the same procedure.
Many patients ask if a breast reduction also provides them with a breast lift. In actuality, breast reduction and breast lift are in the same spectrum of breast surgery, as the technical aspects of the surgeries are surprisingly similar. The major difference between the two procedures is that in a breast lift typically no tissue is removed, while in a breast reduction a great deal of excess breast tissue is removed.
The nipples will be contoured and returned back to their natural position and shape.
In both operations, the nipple and areolar complex is moved up into the appropriate aesthetic position. The redundant (excess) skin and/or soft tissue and/or breast tissue is then removed, providing a rounder, more lifted and tighter overall shape and appearance. This is generally performed utilizing an incision which wraps completely around the areola, along the border of the colored and non-colored skin around the nipple, and extends down vertically from the bottom of the areola to the base of the breast. This is sometimes referred to as a “lollipop incision.” Occasionally a horizontal scar must be made along the base of the breast; however, Dr. Glatt very rarely utilizes this incision, as it is only needed for the most severe cases of droopiness or when treating the largest breasts for reduction.
During a breast lift, some tissue along the base of the breast may actually be removed as well, in order to debulk the breast and provide a more symmetrical, lifted overall appearance. In a breast reduction the tissue along the base of the breast, as well as tissue from the outer and upper portions of the breast are removed to decrease the overall breast size. Dr. Glatt sends all tissue removed during breast reduction or breast lift surgeries for pathologic analysis to insure all the tissue removed was healthy tissue.
No sutures are placed on the outside of the skin, therefore Dr. Glatt’s patients are never left with visible, external stitch marks. All the incisions are closed with internal stitches which typically dissolve within 6 to 12 weeks. The scars from a breast lift or breast reduction heal extremely well, including the scar around the areola, since it is placed at a natural boundary point, and not usually noticeable at first glance.

The vertical incision, the incision which ironically patients are usually most worried about, often heals the best. It is barely noticeable once completely healed. Of course all incisions do take at least one year and sometimes up to two years to completely heal and fade away. However, the majority of the healing takes place over the first three months.
The recovery process from breast lift and breast reduction is nearly identical and extremely minimal. Most patients in Dr. Glatt’s practice require pain medicine for 24 hours at the most and are usually able to resume normal activities and drive within two to three days. A sports bra is typically worn for a period of three weeks and physical activity is restricted for the same amount of time. Breast lift and breast reduction surgery are extremely satisfying procedures which produce positive long-lasting rejuvenating changes to women’s breasts.
Breast Reduction — Contact Dr. Glatt in New Jersey
Scheduling a consultation with Dr. Glatt is the first step toward improving your life by improving your appearance. If you are ready to learn more about breast reduction options, including male breast reduction for the treatment of gynecomastia, contact Dr. Glatt’s New Jersey practice today.